Business Builder Sub-Awards
Capacity building under the Center involves providing financial assistance through business builder sub-awards in the form of grants.
Sub-award grants support regional projects and businesses aiming for expansion and growth, with average amounts of $50k or less.
The purpose of the grant funds is to strengthen and support the food businesses in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
Award Types
These sub-awards may support staff time, business planning activities, software implementation, the purchase of equipment (such as food safety, processing and/or packaging equipment), value chain and supply chain coordination and innovation, product development, and marketing. Business Builder Sub-Awards may also fund supply chain analysis and strategy development for identified gaps and specialization opportunities.
I'm interested! What do I do next?
Interested applicants may reach out to your local Technical Assistance provider to assist in writing the grant application, with partners found at:
Updated Round 2 Application and Process Documents will be available in Spring 2025.